
Thursday, June 09, 2005

Other people's relationships.

Got some insight (or at least flashes of 'insight') into two other couple's relationships today. L has some... i suppose, 'committment' issues... but not quite in the same sense that i have. Her bf K is obsessed with her... doesnt let her go out with other 'male' friends, and goes to the extent of checking her phone bill and calling up the numbers to see who she has been calling. As a result, L, who enjoys the company of these 'male friends', lies to K about it.

I dont really understand it, but they again, it doesnt matter that i dont understand.

Then there is A (from work) and her hubby D. They are a young professional couple, who recently got married. They appear just like friends really... with a sweet spark. They remind me of how K and i used to be... well, perhaps still are (?) Dispite their 'married bliss', it was interesting that A told me last week that they actually broke for 3 months the year before they got engaged. That she had wanted to be alone for a bit, and live a free single life (sound familiar?), then after 3 months, she realised that free single life sucked, and was glad that D was still around to love her.

I dunno, makes you think about your own relationship doesnt it? It made me think about mine...


At 2:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From what I know though, L's "male friends" tend to have hidden motives that are... well, really not so hidden.

And for her own reasons, L likes having guys around her.

At 6:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I thought only women had issues about being overly possessive. It's the kind of situation which will drive a person over the edge and into infidelity, without a doubt. He can't keep his eyes on her 24/7...

What is the points in having to keep such strong tabs on your partner? Why would you check who they've been calling? If you're married, your relationship is going to be very strained, at best, if there's no trust there. If you're 'just' going out, you're taking things far too seriously. And if the girl has given the indications that she enjoys going around town, then the other party needs to wake up and cut her to the dogs.


At 6:50 PM, Blogger JumpingPuddles said...

hmm.... anonymous "j"... i wonder who u are...

Anyway, i completely know what you mean. But these day i try my very very best (tho its v. hard) not to judge other ppl's relationships. Sometimes its not all 'cut and dry', and its definitely not easy to let go... sometimes even in the most blatant circumstances...

anyhow, Thanks for visiting J, and please come again :)

At 7:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny how we all try "our very best" not to be judgemental, but we instinctively are.

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