
Saturday, February 05, 2005

Time to play a little game...

Dear Friends,

After progating my dull and witless messages for so long, i had thought that it is now time to make this a more 'interactive' blog by introducing a game. The incredibly lame and rather unexciting name for the game is Guess the 'what the...?!' (yes, please imagine an annoying yet catchy jingle to go along with it). So, basically i'll show you pictures of some "What the...?!" items, and you will have to guess what they are. Better still, you will come up with a highly witty and amusing name for these items.

To start the ball rolling, here are some i had prepared (or rather, plagarised) earlier:

frog Posted by Hello

chicken Posted by Hello

So, innitially, my most obvious guess as to the above "what the...?!"s was that this was a new line of halloween decorations. Personally, i could not think of anything more scary than a frog and a chicken dressed in my grandma's op-shop finest, staring me in the eye. And my guess was further confirmed when i came across this:

valentine cow Posted by Hello

Surely this must be the famous "cow head" of the traditional Chinese duo, "Cow Head and Horse Face"! (for those who don't know, the duo are basically the hitmen of the chinese-hell mafia - mythically, they come up to earth, and bring back select victims to hell). Though after vigourous searching, i was unable to find Horseface, and further, i couldnt really explain why CowHead would be wearing a Valentines day costume. Perhaps, in hell, they celebrate V-day as if it's halloween? Or perhaps (and this is the more likely) incessant Valentines day celebrations is hell.

However, my initial guess was completely thrown out the window when i saw this:

unknown Posted by Hello

AFter seeing this most bizzarre "what the...?!", my only guess is that it's a grey teletubbie in drag.

Whatever these are, they have fast risen to the top of my list for what to get for my soon marrying friend if she has a baby in the next 12months.

Please give it a shot and guess what these things mite be in the comments section. And as a final hint: as unlikely as it may seem, these thing actually serve a practical purpose as a household item!

Oh come'on... it'll be fun :-)


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